Zeichnung zweier Männer, die auf einem steilen Hügel mit der von Porsche nach Kriegsende entwickelten Seilwinde für Bergbauern arbeiten

Hard times: Porsche develops winches for mountain farmers after the war

NEW at fahr(T)raum: a Type 335 winch from 1946

During the Second World War, Ferdinand Porsche had to move his „Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche GmbH, Design and Consultancy for Motors and Vehicles“ company, founded in 1931 and based in Kronenstraße 24, Stuttgart, due to Allied bombing raids. He relocated his design office classified as „important for the war effort“ to Austria at the end of 1944; more precisely, to Gmünd in a former sawmill. There they worked on military projects until the end of the war. After that, starting in 1946, Porsche and his team made light tractors, water turbines, ski lifts, mowing fingers and winches – to help, inter alia, mountain farmers make their hard work easier.

The Type 335 winch can currently be seen at fahr(T)raum. It has a pulling force of 335 kg in 1st gear and weighs 140 kg. A single lever for lifting, lowering, braking and holding prevents operator error. The winch could be deployed for flying foxes as well as ground cable equipment using the optionally adjustable two cable speeds – either 0.75 m/sec. in 1st gear or 1.50 m/sec. in 2nd gear.

Further inventions of the genius Ferdinand Porsche are history … accurately documented in detail and live to experience in Ferdinand Porsche´s World of Experience fahr(T)raum Mattsee.


Sven Freese, Porsche-Kundenmagazin Christophorus, Nr. 381

Porsche Engineering, 80 Jahre Porsche-Konstruktionen

Bilder, © fahr(T)raum Archiv



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