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Airworm – Laura Gazquez
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Airworm – Laura Gazquez


AIRWORM is a public transport that uses magnetic levitation to move through any road or highway. This transport system is made up of guides distributed on all the roads and each one of them has an established route. The other main component are the capsules, which are programmed to take you to your destination by automatically passing to the fastest routes connecting to different guides. With this innovative public transport system you want to avoid stops and waits and therefore reduce travel time. In addition to improving the communication and connection of the different public transport networks and increase the comfort of the users.
AIRWORM is a public transport that uses magnetic levitation to move through any road or highway. This transport system is made up of guides distributed on all the roads and each one of them has an established route. The other main component are the capsules, which are programmed to take you to your destination by automatically passing to the fastest routes connecting to different guides. With this innovative public transport system you want to avoid stops and waits and therefore reduce travel time. In addition to improving the communication and connection of the different public transport networks and increase the comfort of the users.