The 12th Annual Bahamas Speed Weeks – The Island Residents Race (4.12.65)
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Hans Schenk (BS) schaffte am 1 Renntag bei dem Nassau Locals…

5 tons? A piece if cake! – The OM 5
What do Porsche and trucks have in common? And no, we are not…

A seminar in a genius atmosphere
The success of each seminar depends greatly on the atmosphere…

Risky race – who let the dogs out?
The entrepreneur Vincenzo Florio founded the „Targa Florio“,…

Visionary cars – celebrating todays World Environment Day
For many decades now, cars with a combustion engine have been…

Hans Stuck – from milk delivery boy to genius racecar driver
1929 Austro Daimler worked very hard to stay on top of the racecar…

A magnificent race: European Touring Series
From 1 to 3 May, fahr(T)raum is host to the model racing car…

Trucks in the fahr(T)raum
TruckModellVorarlberg will be visiting our World of Experience…

Partnership with SalzburgPortal
SalzburgPortal is the portal of the city and province of Salzburg,…

everything the heart desires
You can now conveniently make purchases remotely online: our…