Foto Jakob fahrTraum Geschäftsführer Jakob Iglhauser im Interviewew

Interview with fahr(T)raum CEO Jakob Iglhauser

Over many years fahr(T)raum has offered a wide range of different functions and events for the region. How are things looking for this year?

‘Since its acclaim had increased year on year, Mr Ernst Piëch and his family decided to expand the worlds of experiences fahr(T)raum. At his request, a new hall was to be home to the innovative aviation technology of his grandfather, Ferdinand Porsche, and provide a suitable space for art, culture and entertainment.’

Effectively a “multi-purpose hall” that plays all roles, how have you approached the planning and implementation of this ambitious project?

‘Mr Ernst Piëch’s main concern is to offer a broad range of events for the region. At his request, the hangar was to blend as well as possible into the rural surroundings and be constructed from renewable raw materials – a timber structure was the first choice here. The planning of the “flug(T)raum” project took four whole years and several designs, before a multifunctional, stand-alone building emerged, which blends well with the existing structures. Thanks to special acoustic panels, the experience worlds of fahr(T)raum next to the exhibition of cars and aeroplanes now also have a space that offers a tremendous range of possibilities, from classical concerts and shows to giving presentations.’

What is special about the events this year specifically?

‘It is not only the engines that will sound in the new hall; we are also offering a variety of concerts. We have planned a classical concert series together with Johannes Hofbauer, the Lungau Big Band will put the acoustics through their paces with Anna Buchegger, and for children the “Carnival of the Animals” will make a guest appearance one morning.
But things are also on the move outside the new “flug(T)raum” hall. Alongside our own classic car trips (the 2nd VW Bulli summer tour on 6th May and the 3rd VW Beetle summer tour on 24th June, as well as the 7th Ferdinand Porsche country outing on 25th – 27th August), our cars will also be represented in the Gaisberg Race (8th – 10th June) and Bernina Gran Turismo (14th – 17th September). Furthermore, as well as privately organised classic trips, participants in the “Brezel and friends Alpine foothills classic car rally” (19th May), Gaisberg Race (9th June), “Ennstal Classic” (21st July), “Flachgau Classic” (1st – 2nd September) and “Salt and Oil Rally” (20th October) will make a stop on the fahr(T)raum site.’

Which event is Mr Ernst Piëch particularly looking forward to and which events are of particular interest to you personally?

‘All the events have been selected and put together by the fahr(T)raum event team together with Mr Piëch.
Mr Piëch is particularly looking forward to the 1920s-style silent film evening with piano accompaniment. This will begin with a showing of old recordings and advertising films from Austro Daimler. We have joined forces with the Austrian film library for this, and some fascinating background stories will be presented too.

Personally, I am looking forward to the many events relating to classic cars, and the talk by Hans-Joachim “Strietzel” Stuck will be a highlight this year. As a keen Beetle driver, I am looking forward to the classic car trips in the summer with the Bullis and VW Beetles. A truly relaxed discovery of the region awaits, at a leisurely pace and with the air-cooled chattering of the engines. This year, together with my team, it will once again be a fantastic experience.

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