Historisches Bild mit mehreren Männern und Frauen mit einer der ersten Rennwagen beim Exelbergrennen

With a non-racing car at the Exelbergrennen

In the year 1899 the Exelbergrennen was carried out for the first time as one of the earliest Austrian motor sport events.

In May 1903 Ferdinand Porsche wanted to send a racing car to the competition, but couldn’t finish it on time. He had to content himself with this nice excursion car, which at least brought the delegation of the Chinese Embassy to the venue.

Perhaps the editor of the „Neue Freie Presse” also had this excursion car in his head when he reported on the race: „We may have fewer cars, than many other big cities, but instead you’ll see very elegant vehicles with tasteful bodies that wouldn’t be topped quite so easily.”

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